Tuesday 3 November 2009

Still shots taken during first filming session

The Flash on the camera was not used when taking these photos only a torch as a spotlight and it was on auto setting.

During this shot we used full beam instead of dipped headlights you can see that it is alot brighter

This shot is taken with the lights at dipped. It creates a warm feeling but still this is not enough.

This shot shows how clear people are shown when only the dipped headlights are on this seems as if it would have been ok.

This shows an example of a torch being used as a spot light. The backlights are off and the shot is being made bright from the high watt torch.

The lighting used in the shot would not have been enough as it only has the front lighting which keeps the whole frame very low key.

As can be seen from the photos it would seem that the lighting we used would have worked. This is why we decided that we should continue filming, if we had realised that it would come out as poorly on film as it did we would not have.

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