Thursday 19 November 2009

Audience Feedback Results

These are the results we got from asking a sample of people who would be our target audience. Which is a male or female between the ages of 16 and 20. They are from a middle class. Some of them were into this genre of music and some where not which gave us varied results.

1, What features of our video make it indie/rock?
Male, 17 - The urban tunnel and mise en scene
Male,17 - Props and mise en scene 
Female,17 - Costume
Male,17 - Props and Costume
Male,17 - Setting and performance
Female,17 - Staged Performance along with a story line.

2, Can you explain the story line of the video?
Male, 17 - Yes, The boy was trying to get the girl but she wasn't interested.
Male,17 - No, i would have to watch it again (showed him again) understood after this.
Female,17 - Yes, The girl did not want to get with the boy.
Male,17 - Yes,He was stalking her.
Male,17 -Yes, She didn't want anything to do with him but he kept trying.
Female,17 - Yes, He wanted to be with her but she didn't want him.

3, What music channel would you expect to see this video on ?
Male, 17 - FME.
Male,17 - Kerrang, MTV 2.
Female,17 - Kerrang.
Male,17 - MTV 2, FME.
Male,17 - MTV 2.
Female,17 - MTV 2.

4,Can you relate the story tot he live band performance?
Male, 17 - Yes 
Male,17 - Yes
Female,17 - Yes
Male,17 - Yes, it flowed well
Male,17 -Yes
Female,17 - Yes

5, Do you like the video and do you think that it works?
Male, 17 - Yes
Male,17 - Yes
Female,17 - Yes
Male,17 - Occasionally it looks out of sync but this is because of the singers jaw movement.
Male,17 - Yes
Female,17 - Yes

6, What emotions do you feel when watching this ?
Male, 17 - Excited
Male,17 - Anticipating
Female,17 - Enjoyable
Male,17 - Liked the beat, felt connection
Male,17 - Excited
Female,17 - Could relate to the emotions felt by the character.

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