Friday 23 October 2009


We have uploaded our file to be edited but we have come across a couple of problems. Our shots are too grainy and we are finding it difficult to edit what we've got so far. As we have these problems with our footage, we're going to refilm what we've got, but do it with better lighting to make it less grainy.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Audience research

I have taken a couple of screenshots from the band's music video on youtube to see what their target audience is and where they're from.

Narrative Planning

In this lesson we are planning to meet up in half term to film our narrative section of the video. We need to find a day where we're all free and we also need to book out the camera.

Filming the narrative

When we went to film our live band section of the video, we got pretty much all the shots done. Now we need to go film our narrative section which will be filmed in either Cambridge or Bishop's Stortford. In our narrative section of the video, Matt Milligan will play the main role. The narrative will be a boy will be chasing Stephanie, played by Sophie Carter. around in the video, but it has a twist of the girl being in a relationship with someone else who constantly comes and takes her away her away from Matt's character. The narrative section will be played at specific parts during the song, and it will relate to the specific part of the song it's being played in.

Filming Performance

On Monday the 19th October, our group had our first filming session to film the live performance part of our music video. We got most of our shots done but some may need to be reshot as some are too dark or too blurry. Filming went without a hitch and we got many useful shots done. It took us two hours to film and setup. Next time we need more detail when planning things like the shot we're going to do and organization.

The mise en scene was emphasized with the car headlights to create an urban feel to the video, also we decided to ditch the idea of glow sticks and a band uniform as we decided that it wasn't appropriate for the setting that the video takes place in.

We have uploaded the footage onto the computer and picked out the best shots to use in our video, but we've decided that some may need to be left out or even refilmed. We now need to edit it together to make our final piece once we film the narrative part of the video. We will be planning filming this section of the video in the next couple of lessons and then film it during half term in our chosen location.

Thursday 15 October 2009


Today I spoke with Matt Milligan today and he has said he would like to be part of our music video. Now all we need to do is ask the other people that we have planned to be in our video for their cooperation, which is probably one of the main things we have to do before filming.


Colin has been diagnosed with Swine Flu so we are currently unable to in corporate his ideas into the storyboard. To try and involve him as much as possible we will post as much information on here to keen him up to date.

So far today, we have thought about other ideas to add to the storyboard and weather we should keep it strictly narrative or make it slightly quirky.

We have decided on characters to star in the narrative
Stephanie - Sophie Carter.
The Boyfriend - Henry Weaver.
The Main male - Matt Milligan.

We also have a provisional filming date of Monday 19th October at 7.30. We will need 2 cars to assist with the lighting. We need to contact colin so that we can get the generator to power the other lighting.

To do list, updated

In class we've said that these are the following things we need to do:

  • Find people to be the band in our music video.
  • Ask the music department to ask if we can borrow; 2 guitars, 1 bass, 2 amps and perhaps a drum set.
  • Find a location for our narrative to take place.
  • Ask people to be in the narrative section of the video.
  • Re-do album cover to star our new band.
  • Finish story boarding our ideas.
  • Then finally begin filming.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Ideas From Other Music Videos

In the music video by The Horrors, for their song "who can say" there are a lot of good shots of the band performing which we could incorporate into our music video. They have shots from the side of the band watching them play, showing only some of the band. Another technique which i want to use is that the band members never make eye contact with the camera, apart from the lead singer and only very occasionally, this makes the band appear to be seriuous about their music and proffessional. The video uses synathesia because the sound of the band sounds like a live performance which intensifies the performance as the sound is linked with the stage setting.

In the music video by Blink 182, "all the small things" there are some good 360 degree shots of the band performing which we would like to use in our video and quite a lot of zooming in and panning.

Monday 12 October 2009


When we were storyboarding during class, our group decided on specific shots that we are going to do. But, we have come across some problems when storyboarding as we have noticed that we can't do the 360 shot that we origionally planned to do. Our group have planned to do make this 360 shot part of the main footage when filming the band, so we may have to film it somewhere else and make it seem like it is in this tunnel that we've used for the location of the band's performance. The other shots that we've decided to use seem possible to do and therefore will be used in the final piece but we are still currently storyboarding, so we may find other problems for when we go to film.

Sunday 11 October 2009


In the tunnel there may not be enough room to carry out the 360 degree shot. To do this we may have to film at a different location we more room is avaliable and then when editing incorporate the shot to make it look as if it was taken in the tunnel.

Band problems

Circumstances have changed with the band since last talking to them and they will not be able to film. We have decided to find another band that will fit the criteria.

A problem with not being able to use this band is that we no longer have access to thier instruments so we will have to source them from somewhere else possibly the music department,.

Friday 9 October 2009

Story boarding and Planning

While we have been working on our story board i have been doing some last minuet research so that we can get our camera ideas certain, and i have been looking at how we can create an intro to our song. I have thought of doing this by having close ups on certain items on the band such as drum sticks and guitars just before they are picked up, or having a close up on the guitar player inserting a jack lead, after this the song start. I have also spoken to the people we are going to include in our music video to make sure they have free time on the days that we will be filming so we can film as quickly as possible so we have lots of time to edit.

Thursday 8 October 2009

To Do

To do:
  • complete storyboard
  • decide on narrative location
  • find a new band to perform due to previous bands inconvenience
  • organise props and mise en scene
  • find instruments
  • finalize the organization of the lighting equipment

Progress Report

Here is what we have achieved so far:
  • Began storyboarding
  • brainstormed various ideas equally for shots
  • Decided on a location for band performance
  • Location ideas for narrative
  • Lighting ideas are done
  • mise en scene decided
  • watched videos for research

Monday 5 October 2009

Drawings of the tunnel

While we have been taking pictures of the tunnel i have been doing some drawing to show where will will be making the camera shots,what camera angels, what lighting positions and what key lighting we might use. These are only rough ideas as we have not yet decided on definate shots, but we will experiment with them to make sure we get the desired shots in order to create our music video.

Planning shots

As our idea is to use the car headlights to light up the tunnel and to use the generator to power the front set of stand alone lights, i am going to go at night and see if the car headlights are going to be a good idea and whether they will be good enough to get the lighting that we need to make a shots.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Plan for Week

In the week, one of the things that we need to get done most of all would be the storyboard,
to get to that stage we need to:
  • finish our discussion of the narrative and finalize the plot.
  • decide what shots we are going to use and for how long.
  • start drawing the frames for the storyboard
  • match lyrics with shots, so that the music video flows well.

Friday 2 October 2009

Tunnel filming

When we plan to film in the tunnel in the music video, we plan to do an almost 360 shot of the band where the camera will circle the band so that the audience see them playing from every angle, creating a sense of 'all access' viewing of the band which we hope to have as one of the running themes in the video.

Also, we thought of doing cuts or panning of the tunnel walls to reveal the graffiti that has been sprayed onto the walls. This will represent the band's street cred and portray it to the audiences watching the music video.

Thursday 1 October 2009

planning for camera shots/angles.

While finishing our drawings of our set up of how we will position the band we need to discuss which shots and angles we will use. Some of our ides include:
  • Having close ups on the lead singer face from each side and straight ahead.
  • Close ups of the band playing their instruments.
  • long shots of the band in the tunnel so that we can see the band a whole together.
  • Close ups on the glow sticks that the band will be wearing when the lights in the tunnel go out.
  • Tracking around the band to get a 360 degree view of them and maybe we will speed the shot up.
  • Maybe a shot from behind the drummer.
  • Some quick panning and cuts of around the tunnel to show the graffiti.
When we start our story board we will experiment with these shots and see which ones will get the desired effect.

Band image on stage

During our class time, we decided to decide how the band will be presented when playing live and within the video. Our group have decided that the band will be presented during the performance with the lead singer in the front, bassist to the right, rhythm guitarist to the left and drummer to the back but to the left a bit. We've decided to place them like this so it follows conventions but it's slightly modified so the band are more memorable for the audience.


I have made contact with the performing band and they are able to film when ever. They are playing a local gig so we are going to get some stock shots, which we may be able to incorporate into the video. We will do this by having them appear in Polaroids. We also need to try and get hold of a polaroid of a female who will appear only in the photo. In parts of the video which are not narrative we will be filming the band performing live at a gig. Parts of this may be able to be filmed when we go to watch them.

Band image

Within our class time, we decided to plan how we plan to convey the band's image to the audience. In previous lessons, we've already decided that our band we're going to wear skinny jeans and some sort of checkered shirt with a tie, the band are also going to wear glow sticks as wristbands and perhaps have glow in the dark paint that will be revealed when the lights go off in the middle of the video.

Today, we decided that the lead singer will be wearing a red checked shirt, a red sweatbands, black/grey skinny jeans and converse shoes. This will pull in the indie crowd as part of our audience but the band's upbeat song 'Dr King' will hopefully be appealing to the younger people in the audience.

To finalise the band's image as a whole, we plan to research other band images in magazines like NME magazine, as these popular bands appear to have a similar sound.